World Chat is the newest feature available in World App to help you connect with your contacts in different ways. You can interact with one user or with a group of friends, send and receive payments, and more.
From the Contacts Tab
Start chatting with your World App contacts right from the Contacts tab. To begin, follow the steps described below to sync and find your contacts:
- Open the Contacts tab in your World App
- Tap on Sync contacts
- To find a contact, you can enter their name or username in the search bar
- You can invite other contacts by tapping on the Invite button beside their name
- Once you find the desired user, tap on their name to open their contact details
- Select the Message option to start a World Chat conversation
From the World Chat App
Use the World Chat app to interact with your contacts in more ways than one. You can find it in the Apps tab in your World App and install it from there. Once installed, follow these steps to get started:
- Open World Chat and select the Create new chat option if you wish to interact with a single contact. If you’d prefer to chat with more than one contact, select New group
- Select the contact or contacts that you wish to chat with
- Start the conversation by entering and sending your message from the Message field. Once you send your message, it will display one of the following statuses:
- Sent: The message has been sent but not yet delivered to the recipient. The sent time will be shown, followed by a single gray checkmark.
- Delivered: The message has been delivered but not yet read by the recipient. The delivery time will be shown, followed by a double gray checkmark.
- Seen: The message has been seen by the recipient. The seen time will be shown, followed by a double blue checkmark.
Your messages and any responses from your contact will be shown on the same screen
Apart from sending messages, you can also send and request money, and share images from your camera or photo library. Tap on the + symbol shown near the message field to open the options menu
Sending Money via World Chat
- Tap on the + symbol shown near the message field to open the options menu
- Select Send money
- Choose the token that you wish to send
- Enter the amount and tap on Continue
- Confirm to proceed, the transaction will be displayed in the chat screen
Requesting Money via World Chat
- Tap on the + symbol shown near the message field to open the options menu
- Select Request money
- Choose the token that you want to receive
- Enter the amount and tap on Continue
- The transaction will be displayed in the chat screen as Requested. If you receive the money, the status will change to Paid
Sending Images via World Chat
- Tap on the + symbol shown near the message field to open the options menu
- Select Photo library or Camera, as needed
- Choose the images to send. You can select multiple images by tapping on the + icon near the caption box
- Add a caption if you’d like to, then send
Reacting to Messages in World Chat
Long-tap on a message to open and select your desired reaction.
To remove it, just tap on the reaction and select Tap to remove.
World Chat is currently only available for Android devices. Stay tuned for iOS updates.
Translations may differ slightly from the original English content. For the most accurate information, please refer to the article's English version if any discrepancies occur.