World Help Center

How do I update my account settings?

To access your account settings:

1. Select World ID in the menu bar.

2. Then select the Gear icon in the top corner of your screen.

3. Tap on Account to see your existing settings.


To update your phone number:

1. Tap on Phone Number
2. Edit your phone number and follow the steps shown on screen.


To update your account backup:

1. Select Account Backup
2. If you need to add a backup for the first time, follow the steps in this article: How do I backup my account?
3. If you wish to remove the existing account backup, tap on the toggle button to disable it.
4. A prompt will ask you to confirm the deletion of the existing account backup. Note that this action is irreversible.
5. If you don't wish to proceed, select Cancel. Otherwise, confirm backup deletion by selecting the Yes, delete option.
6. Once the backup is deleted, you can add a new backup.


To update your account backup password:

1. Select Account Backup
2. Tap on Change Password and follow the steps shown on screen.


To update the language:

Your World App follows your device’s language settings. To update the language in the app, change the language on your device, then close and reopen World App for the new settings to take effect.


Translations may differ slightly from the original English content. For the most accurate information, please refer to the article's English version if any discrepancies occur.


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