World Help Center

How do I find an Orb near me and book an appointment?

Find an Orb

Follow these steps to find an Orb using your World App:

1. Head to Settings by tapping on the Gear icon on the top corner of the screen


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2. Select Find an Orb

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3. You'll see one of the following screens based on your country location

If Orbs are available in your location: If Orbs are not available in your location:
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  • You can choose to book an appointment, or explore locations where you can find an Orb.
  • Make sure to enable locations in your app settings to properly use this feature.
  • You can tap Notify me if you'd like to be notified once Orbs are available in your location. 
  • Alternatively, you can tap the country button at the top of the screen to explore other country locations.



Schedule and Manage an Appointment

Explore the locations where you can find an Orb. Each location will display its address and their availability, showing you when their next available time and date is open for booking. If they have no availability, the message All slots full will be shown to you.


In general, you'll need to schedule an appointment to get verified by an Orb. However, some locations might not require bookings. This will be shown to you as No appointment needed. You can simply visit the location during the working hours shared on screen.


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To book an appointment at a location with availability:

1. Tap the Book an appointment button to continue

2. Pick a date and time 

3. Confirm your booking by tapping Confirm appointment


You can find your appointment details in the World ID tab. If you wish to cancel the appointment, just tap the Cancel appointment button.

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What can I do if there are no Orbs near me?

We understand that there might not be any Orbs in your area yet. However, we are constantly expanding our network, and we will have more Orbs around the world in the future.


The availability of the Orb in specific countries depends on a variety of factors, such as regional regulations and our developer resources. Please follow our official channels of communication for future announcements on availability.


Translations may differ slightly from the original English content. For the most accurate information, please refer to the article's English version if any discrepancies occur.


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