What is the World Chain Network?
World Chain is a new blockchain designed for humans, built to scale the World protocol and the broader Ethereum community to 1 billion people and beyond.
Migrating to World Chain will result in these benefits:
- Free transfers in World App for verified users
- Transactions will be completed at twice the speed of those on the Optimism network, ensuring faster and more efficient processing
World Chain is designed first and foremost to significantly increase capacity so new people can continue to join at scale, and existing users can enjoy faster, cheaper, and more reliable transactions.
How do I migrate World App assets to World Chain?
From October 2024, World App transactions will be taking place in the World Chain Network.
All World App users will need to migrate their existing app assets (tokens) from the Optimism Network into the World Chain Network. World App will prompt you to begin the migration process once it is ready.
To migrate to World Chain:
- Tap on Start migration
- The migration process will begin and should be done in minutes. Once it completes, you will see a confirmation screen, which will allow you to continue using the app as normal.
What will happen to transactions sent to me via the Optimism Network?
If you have already migrated to World Chain and someone sends you a transaction via the Optimism Network, World App will show you the following screen so you can migrate those assets to your wallet:
Simply tap the Understand button to get the migration started. Your assets will appear in the wallet shortly.
To avoid losing funds, please make sure future transactions are done on the World Chain Network.
*Eligibility for Worldcoin (WLD) tokens is restricted based on geography, age, and other factors. WLD are not available to, or intended for, people or companies who are residents of, or are located, incorporated or have a registered agent in, the United States or certain other restricted territories. However, World ID and TFH’s World App remain available in the United States. For details, go to: www.world.org/tos. Crypto products can be highly risky. Important User Information can be found at www.world.org/risks.
The above content speaks only as of the date indicated. Further, it is subject to risks, uncertainties and assumptions, and so may be incorrect and may change without notice. A full disclaimer can be found in our Terms of Use and Important User Information can be found on our Risks page.
Translations may differ slightly from the original English content. For the most accurate information, please refer to the article's English version if any discrepancies occur.