World Help Center

What are some safety tips when verifying with an Orb?

World emphasizes the importance of users following the instructions provided in World App when verifying themselves. Each user must take the necessary precautions to ensure their own security and privacy and avoid being victim to scams.

Below, you will find some recommendations to consider when verifying yourself to ensure your experience is safe and that only you can access your digital identity in the future.

  • Verify your identity with your own cell phone and keep it secure: Keep your cell phone with you at all times, as it is a personal and essential tool for the verification process. To ensure the integrity of the process, make sure to not give third parties access to your cell phone at any time. After verification, keep your cell phone secure to ensure that only you can access your World ID along with all of the benefits associated with being able to demonstrate your humanity and uniqueness in the digital world.


  • You must be over 18 years old to verify with an Orb.


  • Security in Verifications: Follow only the directions of authorized personnel and perform your verification only at locations listed in World App. Instructions must come from World Operators within the corresponding activation centers and not in the vicinity of them. If someone offers to verify you and the place is not listed as a designated center in World App, do not accept it. Some suspicious signs to watch out for and pay attention to:
    • World Operators will not ask for any personal data.
    • World Operators will not pressure you to act immediately or access World App to redeem or transfer your tokens.


  • It is important that you understand how to transfer your WLD tokens: Once the verification is done, you will be able to check the instructions for transferring your tokens on the World Help Center. People offering token exchange around the activation centers are not part of the World Team.


In the event of any suspicious activity, World App users can enter the Help Center and submit the appropriate report. For this, go to Settings > Support > Contact Support.

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World was conceived and is fully committed to protecting individual privacy. World does not want to know who you are; only that you are human. To be part of the World community and network, no personal information is required, such as email, phone number, address, name, etc. If you see that this is happening, please report it.


The project does not seek to collect and store biometric data; participation is completely voluntary and aims to give people control over their own information.

For more information about the World Project, please visit:


Translations may differ slightly from the original English content. For the most accurate information, please refer to the article's English version if any discrepancies occur.


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