World Help Center

How much WLD can I claim?

From November 27, 2024, the Airdrop Program introduced two World ID verification options (where and when available), allowing users to choose what works best for them.


The amount of WLD (Worldcoin) you can claim depends on the type of verification you complete, and whether you complete one or both available methods.


Verification Methods

  1. Orb Verification:
    Verifying at an Orb provides the highest level of certainty that a user is a unique human and allows users to claim the highest amount of WLD per verification method.

  2. Passport Verification:
    With the convenience of using an NFC-enabled passport, this option allows you to verify your uniqueness quickly and easily. While it grants fewer tokens than Orb Verification due to its lower level of certainty, it provides a flexible and accessible way to participate in the program and start claiming WLD tokens.

  3. Both Verifications:
    Users who complete both Orb and Passport Verification will be eligible to claim the maximum amount of WLD tokens available.

Your WLD Claimable Amounts Explained

The total amount of WLD you can claim for each verification type will be displayed on-screen once you complete the verification steps. This amount will appear under Owned by you, as seen in the example below:

Onboarding 37 (1) copy.png


Tapping on Continue will allow you to claim an initial portion of the amount shown in the Owned by You screen.

Claim (3) (1).png


After claiming your WLD portion, the claimed amount will appear in your Worldcoin App. To claim additional portions of the Owned by You amount, you’ll need to do so on a monthly basis.

These claimed amounts will be shown in the Claimed section. A green progress bar will show your progress toward the full amount you can claim.

Screenshot 2024-10-22 at 12.01.47.png


Remember: Claim your WLD as they become available to reach the full amount.

Please note: The amount is determined by the World Foundation and may fluctuate over time.


Translations may differ slightly from the original English content. For the most accurate information, please refer to the article's English version if any discrepancies occur.


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