World Help Center

How do I claim WLD in World App?

Depending on your region, you can claim WLD on a monthly basis.

To claim WLD, you have to:

1. Have a verified World ID.

2. Register to claim WLD within the Worldcoin App.



1. Open your World App and tap on the Apps menu

Screenshot 2024-10-22 at 11.24.28.png


2. Select the Worldcoin App, or tap on Register

Screenshot 2024-10-22 at 11.30.36.png


3. Tap on the Verify to Register button

Share (4).png


4. Select all the legal confirmation checkboxes and tap on Continue

Legal requirements.png


5. Your Worldcoins will be calculated. Once they're ready, the Your Worldcoins are ready message will appear on screen

Share _calculating (1).pngShare _signed (1).png



6. Once it appears, keep tapping on the Continue button to move forward

Onboarding 37.pngOnboarding 38.png


7.  You will have the option to claim your WLD into a Vault or to a Spending account.  Select your preferred option and once you're ready to continue, tap the Claim with World ID button

Claim (3).png


8. Tap on Approve to proceed with the World ID Verification

Verify with World ID.png

9. Only where available: Once it's approved, you will be shown the option to add a second type of verification so you can claim more WLD. If you want to do this later, tap on the to exit this screen.

Missing Humanity Verification.pngMissing Passport verification.png

10. Your claimed WLD will be shown here:

Screenshot 2024-10-22 at 12.01.47.png

Note: The WLD amount in the Owned by You section represents the total amount that you can claim throughout a year. You will need to claim portions of this amount on a monthly basis so they appear in the Claimed section. 



Claiming WLD on a monthly basis 

1. Open World App, then tap on the Apps menu

2. Open the Worldcoin App to claim your monthly WLD share



Claiming previously reserved WLD

You need to have a verified World ID account to redeem any reserved WLD by July 31, 2025. To claim reserved WLD, follow the steps below:

1. Open World App, then tap on the Apps menu

2. Open the Worldcoin App

3. If you've already registered and you have been World ID verified for over 24 hours, you will be able to claim previously reserved WLD by tapping on the Redeem reservations button 

Redeem (1).png


4. If you've already signed up but you haven't been World ID verified for over 24 hours, your reserved WLD will be available in a few hours 

Redeem (3).png


Disclaimer: The Airdrop Program is only available to users who meet the eligibility requirements set forth in our Terms.


Translations may differ slightly from the original English content. For the most accurate information, please refer to the article's English version if any discrepancies occur.


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