World Help Center

Where can I find which centralized exchanges support Worldcoin and World Chain?

Worldcoin Token (WLD) availability varies entirely by country restrictions and supported exchanges. We are planning to have WLD supported on many large centralized exchanges where you can buy, sell, and send crypto.

We understand that sending crypto on the World Chain network to centralized exchanges is a bit limiting at the moment. However, World believes in the future of World Chain and the potential for the World Chain network to be supported by many exchanges in the future.

To check which centralized wallets and exchanges support Worldcoin, take a look at the list provided by


Keep in mind that BTC and ETH are different than the WBTC and WETH in your World App wallet. WBTC and WETH are wrapped, tokenized versions of cryptocurrencies that are pegged to the value of the original coin and can be unwrapped at any point.

We recommend for you to reach out to your preferred platform where you would like to purchase or send WLD, and check if they support WLD over the World Chain network before performing any transactions. Otherwise you could risk permanently losing your funds.


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