World Help Center

How do I delete my profile data?

To delete your profile data:

1. Select the Gear icon to head to your Settings

2. Then enter the Security & Privacy settings

3. Scroll down and select Delete World App Data

4. Review the App User Data that will be deleted to make sure that you're okay with losing the data.

5. Tick the box to acknowledge that this action is permanent and data cannot be recovered after deletion.

6. Once you're ready, select Delete Profile Data



It can take up to 30 days for your deletion to be carried out on all of our systems. As soon as you receive a confirmation of your data deletion, you can proceed to uninstall World App from your device.


It's up to you if you want to keep your backup to access World App in the future. Keep in mind, if you decide to delete your backup, then your current account will not be recoverable.


If you have a personal data request that goes beyond deleting your optional data, please take a look at our article, Where do I reach out for personal data requests?, for guidance.


What happens if I want to delete my data and I lose access to World App?

If you want to delete your World App data but can’t access the app, you can request assistance from our Support Team through the app, or through our official social media support channels to try to restore access your account. Once you regain access, you can follow the steps above to delete your data.


If you couldn’t perform the data deletion through the app and you are an inactive user for more than twenty four months, we will always make sure that your data is deleted during our periodic data deletion procedures. Through this process, we make sure to clean up our databases from information that is no longer necessary to keep or process.


Translations may differ slightly from the original English content. For the most accurate information, please refer to the article's English version if any discrepancies occur.


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